At first, the iTunes tagging feature will not be used by all HD radio broadcasters. A formal announcement of all stations that will be participating will be released soon- the National Association of Broadcasters convention that was held last week dealt partially with this issue. Already strongly on board is Clear Channel Radio, which will be broadcasting all of its FM stations in HD and will employ the tagging function. They are even urging other major broadcasters to embrace the new technology.

Devices such as this Polk, iPod player/HD radio receiver have a tag button right in the center of the console. The consortium of radio broadcasters known as the HD Digital Radio Alliance are extremely excited about the new iTunes feature, and have announced that they are planning "a multi-million dollar advertising campaign focusing on the JBL and Polk" receivers later this year. Polk says that its new products, such as the I-Sonic Entertainment System 2 will clearly indicate which digital radio frequencies have songs enabled for tagging. All tagged songs will be saved and transferred to an iPod when it is docked. Afterwards, when the iPod is attached to a computer, the users iTunes software will automatically show the information about the songs and allow purchases. All of these songs will be added to a "tagged" playlist. It will be interesting to see the numbers of songs that are purchased in light of the tagging feature- because each one will represent a product that a consumer would not have purchased without this advancement.
NY Times
Apple Insider